Offshore Explorer with Scott Dodgson

Boat Kids

Episode Summary

After years of chartering with families Scott has seen the boat kid dynamic play out. Parents worry. Kids discover a new world. A world of movement, adventure, of proportion. Scott doesn’t like kids, but they seem to like him in a Captain Ron type way. Scott is okay with being that kind of memory. He talks about liveaboard boat kids, a special breed. Dock kids and those record setting young adventure sailors. The scenario plays out like clockwork. The parents are extremely cautious over the safety of their precious little ones and are fearful the week of chartering will end in disaster with the child hating the boat. Never happens! Scott never lost a kid. He was close on a grandma or two when they lost their balance and fell overboard. The kids love boats and disasters. They love the adventure of it. The parents take days to settle into something of a relaxed mode. Booze helps. Scott offers some guidance on how boat kids grow up to be very responsible, engaging, inquisitive, independent human beings.

Episode Notes

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